You have WHAT?

I’m not sure when this fear of mine developed, but I have officially self-diagnosed myself with thalassophobia! You may be wondering, “what the heck is that?” Well, look no further…

How could you not love this view?

Thalassophobia is defined by healthline as “an intense phobia or fear of large bodies of water.” A phobia, or intense fear, often comes to a head through anxiety. Some common symptoms that I personally experience are restlessness, irritability, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. 

I know looking from the outside-in, it can seem a bit dramatic. But I promise you it is not an ideal situation. A phobia, like thalassophobia, can arise from a bad personal experience, witnessing a traumatic event, or even from just hearing stories. In my case, I genuinely think my fear arose when I saw the ending of Titanic. I mean, I don’t know what else it could have been?

I can’t remember having such a severe fear of deep water (and boats) until I was about six years old. I’m not positive there was a defining moment when my fear developed, but somehow it did.

I’ve tried my best to overcome my fear… going on a cruise and sleeping on a boat for a week. But without fail, my mind somehow gets the best of me. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the beach, but I only go as deep as I can see or touch. I don’t care if I’m shin-deep; if I can’t see my feet, I’m not going any deeper.

At the end of the day, this fear is a part of me that can be hard to explain. The biggest takeaway from my schpiel is that I am always trying my best to overcome my fear, and I actively avoid letting it control my life. 

If you are struggling with a phobia of your own, check out this helpful link!


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