Some of My Proudest Moments.

Clarkston Consulting

Marketing Intern

May 2021 - Present

As an intern at Clarkston Consulting, I research and write content each week, such as blog posts and trends papers, related to the life sciences, consumer product and retail industries. I also assist with social media content and strategy via HubSpot, and aid with any PR-related tasks and media inquiries for various brands like Business Insider.

MEJO 625H: UNC Media Hub


Spring 2022

Public Relations Specialist for Team Five.

MEJO 477: New Media Technology and Its Impact on the Future of Advertising, Marketing & PR


Fall 2021

This course taught the nontraditional values required to be successful in advertising, marketing and PR while highlighting technologies that will grab people’s attention in the future. Split into five teams, our class spent the semester curating and building an iconic personal brand for UNC-CH field hockey star Erin Matson. I worked on the Communications and Public Relations team, developing a detailed social media calendar and copy for all social platform posts through the end of the year. By the end of the semester, we had successfully spread awareness of Erin’s personal brand with the release of two videos and various social media posts on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

MEJO 376: Sports Marketing and Advertising


Fall 2021

In Fall 2021, I had the opportunity to create a new and iconic NHL event with four of my Hussman peers. We created Battle of the Ages: a single-game charity fundraiser featuring current NHL players. Some details of the event are as follows: the game will take place on the third Saturday in August in the Centre Bell Stadium in Montreal, Canada. One team, the “youth team,” will be made up of players with one to three seasons of experience in the league. The second team, the “experienced team,” will feature more established players, with more than three seasons of experience in the league. The player selection for the event will dedicate player preference to the event’s main sponsor, Upper Deck. Adding another layer to the event, the Battle of the Ages will dedicate a portion of the proceeds toward two charities. One charity will be selected by the players on the youth team, and one charity selected by the players of the experienced team.

UNC Freestyle

Social Media Coordinator

February 2021 - September 2021

During my time at Freestyle, I helped build the organizations Instagram presence from the group-up. I managed the Instagram account @freestyle.unc and maintained consistent engagement on the platform. I posted stories, photos/videos and IGTV videos on Instagram 2-3 times a week, and planned marketing strategies to optimize engagement, such as giveaways and collaborations.

MEJO 634: Public Relations Campaigns


Spring 2021

I had the opportunity to work with General Motors in my internship-style capstone course at UNC-CH. I worked with GM as the overall group leader for my team, Electrify PR. We spent the semester generating a national campaign for GM, planning and executing a survey, focus group and interviews to conduct research for our campaign. By the end of the semester, my team and I put together a detailed and thoughtful eight-month campaign that focused on the targeted age groups and touched on all goals given by GM. Electrify PR was ultimately selected by General Motors, winning the final campaign.

Allied Electronics & Automation

Marketing Intern

December 2020 - January 2021

While interning for Allied Electronics & Automation, I had the opportunity to work in several areas of their marketing team. First, I worked with social and completed a detailed competitor audit, looking into the social media accounts of 12 competitor brands. Next, I worked in email marketing, with Active Campaign and Adobe Campaign, and designed mock emails for Browsed-not-Bought and Back-in-Stock. Then, I monitored social media accounts via Hootsuite and Google Analytics, while completing a social media analysis of Allied Electronics & Automation, with a focus on Instagram. Finally, I worked in UX with Userlytics, testing horizontal filters on the website.