The home stretch

To my family.

Thank you for believing in me. For always supporting me. For always encouraging me. And for never giving up on me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without each and every one of you. 

To my friends.

Thank you for accepting me. For teaching me how to form meaningful relationships. For showing me that I’m okay just the way I am. For always being honest with me so I can better myself. And for just being there for me whenever I may need you. (You know who you are!)

To my peers. 

Thank you for working with me. For opening my eyes. For relating to me. And for being a great outlet for help. I couldn’t be prouder to be part of the Carolina family.

To my professors.

Thank you for guiding me. For helping me find my path. For teaching me more than I can put into words. And for going above and beyond from professor to mentor. I hope to stay in contact with a handful of you who made my college experience an extraordinary one.

And lastly, to my beloved Carolina. 

Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today. For teaching me how to be independent. For showing me that it’s okay not to have everything figured out. For introducing me to a tight-knit community that I will be a part of for life. And, of course, for a superb basketball program. Once a Tar Heel, always a Tar Heel.


With much love and gratitude,



Oh, you speak Portuguese?