30 before 30

I know we’ve all heard of a bucket list. But have you ever heard of a 30 before 30? Well, here’s mine…

Start a garden.

There is nothing like homegrown, fresh produce. Starting my own garden will not only produce exquisite ingredients, but it will foster a new hobby in me.

Take a cooking class.

I love to cook. There is something about cooking that makes me feel free and gives me an outlet to be creative. Taking a cooking class can help me enhance my skills, and maybe even master the craft.

Eat sushi in Japan.

From what I’ve heard, no sushi compares to sushi in Japan. Sushi is my absolute favorite food, and I would love to have the best of the best. Hopefully, it doesn’t ruin my enjoyment of sushi in the U.S…

Learn how to bake.

While I’ve attempted to bake a cake before, I don’t think using box ingredients really counts. I would love to learn how to bake on my own, from cupcakes to bagels.

Make a cookbook.

My current recipe bank is not the most exciting. It consists mainly of grilled chicken or salmon, rice, veggies, and salad. If I put my mind to it, I could cook meals outside of my comfort zone and find new favorites. Compiling these new recipes into a book would not only be fun, but it would ensure that I am not eating the same meals every week.

Learn how to sew.

As a kid, I took up knitting. Although this hobby of mine was short-lived, I still remember how to do it. I love the thought of being able to create my own clothing, but knit items are not exactly a staple in my wardrobe. Learning how to sew would not only allow me to create my own clothing, but it could also help me save money from alterations.

Create a dress using recycled fabric.

If I successfully learn how to sew, I would love to repurpose thrifted clothing into something that I would wear. It’s fun, useful and eco-friendly!

Visit all seven continents.

I’ve been lucky enough to have traveled quite a bit in my 22 years. So far, I have four-out-of-seven continents checked off the list, and I am rather optimistic that I will be able to visit all seven (at least by the end of my life)!

See the seven Wonders of the World.

This one is self-explanatory. I mean, after all, they don’t call them the “Wonders of the World” for no reason.

Re-visit Montreal, Canada.

I spent a large portion of my childhood living in Montreal. When my father decided to move to London my freshman year of high school, I took one last trip to my childhood home in Westmount. While I didn’t know this at the time, that was the last time I visited the country that shaped me into the person I am today. I would love to visit my old town, for nostalgic purposes, and relive a period of my life that is so dear to me.

Go to Australia and New Zealand.

I truly don’t know what it is that fascinates me so much about Australia and New Zealand, but boy do I want to travel there! Maybe it started with Steve Irwin and his family… all I know is I would love to experience the insane beaches, wildlife, and nature in these two countries.

Spend Christmas time in NYC.

The Rockefeller tree lighting, ice skating in the city, watching the ball drop from Times Square… Christmas time in New York City seems magical. I hope to one day experience that magic firsthand.

Move somewhere new.

While I did move around a lot as a kid, I’ve lived in North Carolina for over a decade. I think moving to a new city or new state would help me step out of my comfort zone and grow as an individual, especially after I graduate from UNC-CH.


Need I say more?

Bungee jump.

Again, nothing more needs to be said.

Ride in a hot air balloon.

I don’t know where this feeling came from, but I have a slight fear of hot air balloons. I think the thought of being so high up, in the open air, and in a tiny basket freaks me out, but they are so beautiful! I think riding in a hot air balloon would be one of those “I overcame my fear” moments, while also showing me breathtaking views.

See Taylor Swift in concert (again).

My first ever concert was The Jonas Brothers. My guess is it was 2008 or 2009, and little Rachel was smitten. It was like my heart was melting and my excitement was exploding at the exact same time. My second concert was Taylor Swift, and my experience could not have been more different. My love for Taylor Swift and her music was different from my love for the JBs. Her lyrics told a deeper story, and even though I was 12 and had never even come close to experiencing what she wrote about, I felt like she was relatable. Taylor Swift is the absolute queen of songwriting, and I would love to see her perform live again.

Attend the Kentucky Derby.

This goal of mine could not be more random. I know absolutely nothing about horses, but I do love to dress up. The Kentucky Derby is about much more than the horses, it is about the experience. It is one of those events that I could never imagine being at, so I would be overjoyed to check it off my list.

Learn how to salsa dance.

I am a horrendous dancer. Sure, I can let loose and not care what people think, but my coordination is nonexistent. If I really put my mind to it, I think I could learn how to dance…but probably not hip-hop or breakdancing. Salsa dancing seems more my speed.

Sing karaoke in a crowded bar.

I love to sing. I mean, who doesn’t? It is one of the most freeing things you can do. But just because I love to do it doesn’t mean I’m any good. Just once, and probably only once, I would love to stand up on a stage in a crowded bar and sing like no one is watching.

Take up a new sport.

My sporty days began and ended when I was a kid. It seems that my coordination has been on a downward trajectory since then. But I’m ready to try again. I enjoy working out, so I think if I found a sport that I loved, I could be good. Maybe badminton… 

Coordinate a flash mob.

Flash mobs may not necessarily be popular or common anymore, but I love them. There is something about seeing the pure joy on onlookers faces when the people around them break into a choreographed dance. I’m not saying I want to plan out the dance moves, but I’d love to get a group together for an event of some sort!

Ski in the Swiss Alps.

The photos that I have seen online are just… WOW! Switzerland is unreal, and I’d love to one day take the bunny slopes by storm.

Go on a cross-country road trip.

Even though I’ve been to a handful of countries, I can’t say the same about U.S. states. I’d love to see our nation’s wonders first-hand, especially the Grand Canyon! 

Spend 24 hours away from technology.

I wasn’t sure where to fit this in, but I think it is increasingly important. This is a goal that I would love to implement once a year, maybe even more, for my own sanity.

Buy a car.

This would be a huge accomplishment for me.

Buy a house.

Again, a huge accomplishment and the ultimate adulting moment.

Make an international pen pal.

Clearly, I love to write, and I think it would be awesome to make an international pen pal. I would learn all about their life, country, culture, and more. They could be a friend who gives advice from an outside perspective or even just an escape from my own troubles. Just because we have evolved from the pen-and-paper letter days, doesn’t mean the concept has to die… I’d be happy to have an email buddy!

Write a book.

I’m not saying I would write a novel or a successful series, but a children’s book could definitely be accomplished.

Be happy.

The be-all and end-all.


Love at first, or fifth, flight


What makes me, me.