Living a balanced life as a full-time college student

Life as a college student is by no means easy, especially given the current climate and COVID-19 altering our experience entirely. It is essential now more than ever to live a balanced life…

A realistic photo of me as a full-time college student.

When the coronavirus pandemic first hit the United States and lockdowns spread across the globe, college students were forced to learn in a new way. Online school was thrust upon us, and we spent our college days like this for almost two years straight. I’ve officially spent more of my college years living through the pandemic than I have not… That’s an unfortunate fact to sit back and consider! All the social events, sports games, musicals and plays, etc., were ripped out from under us, and everyday life shifted virtually. 

Looking back, I can confidently say I adjusted relatively well, at least academically. But I faced a bigger problem - my mental health was deteriorating, fast and hard. Even when lockdowns and stay-at-home orders were lifted, barely leaving my house put me in a dark and lonely place. I shifted all my focus onto my schoolwork, and I ended my spring semester of sophomore year with a 4.0 GPA! I’m very proud of myself for accomplishing such a monumental goal while the world, and my mental health, was in shambles.

Don’t get me wrong; school is SO important. But, for me, my mental health is more important, and it took me a long time to realize that. Once classes ended and the summertime rolled around, I was forced to think about what I truly enjoyed. What was I going to do with my days at home now that classes were over? 

This time of uncertainty is when I really dove into my love for art. Painting, drawing, sketching, coloring - it was my escape. If I felt alone, frustrated, or even just bored, I could turn to art and be transported into a new dimension. While I worked to better my mental health, I also started thinking about my future. What did I want to do? What did the next five years of my life, and everyone else's, have in store? Spoiler alert: I still don't know!

I continued to struggle with these changes my junior year, but I think I had it figured out by senior year. As the perfectionist that I am, I put together a detailed daily schedule to ensure that I stay on top of everything in my life. The schedule that has helped me tremendously goes a little like this…

I like to start every day by doing something productive, whether it be meditating, checking my email, or making breakfast. Then, when I am more awake, and my brain is buzzing, I like to make my coffee and get ready for the day. This slight change has considerably impacted my day because when I look put together, I feel put together, and I accomplish much more. Once I am ready to conquer the day, I write out everything I need to get done. I don't mean type - I mean write. Like an old school pen-and-paper moment, I map out my day in a planner, notebook, or on a scrap piece of paper - it doesn't matter. Usually, my list focuses on my internship, schoolwork, and personal chores. When I’ve finished writing my list, I start working. This set schedule helps ensure that I set aside time each day to get my work done, which can be complex as a full-time student. Since most of my classes run into the evening, I reserve this time for working out. I’m much more productive during the day, so if I have enough energy and more work to do at night, I’ll sit down and get more done! But if I’m tired, I like to spend time reading, watching Netflix, scrolling on TikTok, or coloring. Separating my time throughout the day for work and play has really benefitted my mental health while instilling time management skills in me. 

Obviously, planning every second of my day would be unrealistic and unachievable. But, reminding myself what needs to get done and staying on task has genuinely helped me set much needed time aside to relax. As I prepare to graduate and make my way into the workforce full-time, I am confident that I will live a balanced life. 

If you struggle with managing your days as a college student, here are some tricks that have helped me: How to Plan Your Day for a Healthy And Productive Life.


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