It’s all in the hair.

Your hair can tell a lot about you, from the cut and color to how you style it. I’ve always used my hair as an outlet to express myself, and certain hairstyles take me back to different periods of my life…

Luscious Locks

Let’s go back to almost eight years ago - middle school. Ah, the glory days. In all seriousness, middle school was a rocky time for me. My hormones were raging, and my body was changing in ways I wasn’t prepared for. And worst of all, my acne hit. I was super self-conscious (as I’ve mentioned previously), so I used my hair to draw attention away from my face. This meant my go-to short, bob cut was gone, and long-hair Rachel was making her appearance. 

Having long hair somehow boosted my confidence, and it allowed me to learn different ways to style it! 

Short Hair Don’t Care

Now enter the long-awaited return of short-hair Rachel. After embracing my locks for a handful of years, I decided it was time for a change in my sophomore year of high school. Out of the blue on a random Saturday, I decided to chop it. And I’m not being dramatic with the word “chop” ...I cut over six inches of hair off! Having short hair again brought me back to my younger self, but I somehow felt more mature. (Does that even make sense?) It gave me sass and a spark that I needed to conquer the nightmare that was junior year. 

When I first make the switch back to short hair!

I’ve decided that short-haired Rachel is who I am at the core, and while having long hair is super fun, I’m sticking with my bob. 

Pink and Purple Paradise

Last but absolutely not least, we have colorful-hair Rachel. Yes, for more than 95% of my life, I’ve been blonde. My hair started getting darker around eighth grade, so I got highlights. And there was also a six-month period last year where I went brunette, but she was not my favorite (picture below). So, I’m skipping to the fun part. 

I got my first taste of colorful hair in middle school when I dyed my hair with Kool-Aid. It was the thing to do. So, I boiled some water and dipped my ends in red Kool-Aid… It wasn’t the most dramatic, and it faded rather quickly, but boy did I love it. Fast forward one year, I dyed the bottom layer of my hair blue. That also wasn’t wild, but it did turn green (which wasn’t the goal). Now it gets exciting. Senior year of high school, I discovered temporary hair dye. It was the summer before college… What did I have to lose? I decided to go with a light pink because I felt that was the safest option. And I was obsessed

For the rest of that summer and into my sophomore year of college, my hair would be blonde, light pink, hot pink, then purple! I can’t even put into words how much fun I have when experimenting with my hair. It’s just something you either love or you hate, but for me, my hair is one of the many ways I express myself!


Photo dumparooni


Summer ‘17